

          found it quite nice for the past experiences with other teachers, the use of the blog was perhaps not a challenge or something new for me as I already had it before but I found it a good platform to practice. I think mainly speaking in English. I usually understand almost everything I read in English but I find it difficult to formulate it orally.  To solve this I think only practice will do. Outside of class I actually make a lot of use of the language, at least on the internet I think the use of Spanish and English for me is very similar in the amount of content I consume.

POST 7: Changes to my Study Program

        The career I am studying is called Film and Television, a career that recently made a change in its curriculum. The new curriculum has been active for 5 years, so we have not yet graduated generations with this change. Although the progress of the previous curriculum is remarkable, I feel that it is quickly falling behind because only in the fourth year we are taught about television, and only in that year, nothing else. And while this is not a big problem, since most people enter the career to study film and not television. The current problem is that the career is not taking care of the audiovisual formats that occur on the Internet, abandoning a window that is growing every day in number of consumers and audiovisual platforms mainly through streaming. What the career should do is to change the focus and definitely eliminate television from the curriculum and replace it with content that is created for the internet. Every day we are seeing that television is decreasing its co

POST 6: Time Travel to the Future

            Personally, I see the future as uncertain and I do not like to be in uncertainty. Thinking about the future is always a problem for me, because I feel that as a society and civilization we are not on the right track and the future that is looming is not at all pleasant. Perhaps if I had to choose, I would try to choose a fairly distant future where I no longer exist. I would not like to know what I did in my life, or what I did not do, or even when I lived. Being privy to that would bring me constant problems because I have generalized anxiety, which already makes me think a bit catastrophically about what the future is. Probably if I had the possibility I think I would try to visit different epochs in the future, making short visits with the goal of choosing the best time/space in the history of the planet. Also if we are talking about time travel, I think I would visit quite a few epochs in the past and I think this idea appeals to me more than a trip to the future.

POST 5: My Future Job

  I'd like to work free way, and given the specification I'm looking for in the Film career which is editing it's not that hard to happen. Ideally it would be in 'indoor' because of the tools I need to edit.  I would like to be able to travel to different countries but still live there for a while. I wouldn't mind having or working in an office as long as it adjusts what I want to do and not to be under contract or with a supervisor.  I'm studying Film but I'm specifically in the area of editing or montage. I would also like to study some post-production which is still in the line of editing. 

POST 4: My Favorite TV show

      My favorite series is Arrested Development but only its original seasons. Arrested Development is a sitcom about a millionaire family that has gone bankrupt and Michael Bluth, the main character, has to take over the company.      The Bluth family is composed of George Bluth, the father of the family, a very manipulative man who, despite being in jail, is looking for ways to run the company.   Lucille, George's wife, who like him is very manipulative, is very distant from her children, except for the youngest, whom she keeps under her control. G.O.B. the older brother, a magician by profession, is often used by his parents who in turn show little affection for him  Michael Bluth, main character who seeks to help his family and bring the company back from bankruptcy.  Lindsay, Michael's twin sister, seeks to be in the spotlight, staging protests linked to environmental causes  Buster, younger brother who is under the control of his mother, often has panic attacks and shows

POST 3: A person I would like to meet

I honestly admire very few people and those few are closer to how they make me feel rather than something more objective. In this line, music is very present, so I will talk about JPEGMAFIA a.k.a Peggy. Peggy is an American rapper, singer and record producer and I love his work.  His personality shows a contrast between how he appears on stage and how he appears off stage.  offstage he appears as an introverted person, shy and distanced from the rest. On stage he is the opposite, as if he were releasing everything he was holding back.  What I admire most is that ability to let out what he really feels through his songs, without fear of sounding corny, having pop references. He basically gives himself to the idea of saying what he really feels, being also quite serious and direct when it is necessary to do it.  I don't know if he has won any industry awards, I just know that he has a lot of support from the hip hop world today.  A relevant fact about him I think it is the level of a

POST 2: Songs and Memories

For a month I was working on a video documentary of MFDOOM, so only their music comes to mind.   But during that work I remembered the first times I heard it. It was around 2010, with a friend that I still keep. At that time we knew very little about him, but over the years we have understood and appreciated MF DOOM's great artwork. I remember the time we listened to the album Madvillainy wich is a record of MF DOOM (my friend's favorite rapper) featuring Madlib (who is my favorite rapper). Obviously we got prepared to listen to it by smoking a lot of weed. After this event we understood the phrase: MF DOOM is your favorite rapper's favorite rapper. Each song creates a particular atmosphere, but they are held together by the concept of the album.  Since that day and to this day Madvillain is my favorite hip hop album.