
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2021

Post 8: A Subject you've enjoyed studying this semester

  The course I enjoyed the most this semester was "Taller Documental". This course is the main subject of the third year of my career, it is here where we are given the contents and we are taught ways to make documentaries. In class we have a programmed viewing according to the subject that was discussed in class.The reason why it was my favorite subject is because it was the only course where we did practical exercises and essentially filming. In addition, although the exercises were given a concept, it could be approached in any way I wanted because what we wanted was to exercise and experiment in order to find a way that would suit us to make a documentary. The best thing was the viewing of the exercises where we saw the video of each partner and with that to know the interests of each person or the ways of dealing with the reality that surrounds them and show it.

Blog Post 7: Choice of Two Topics

A2B2.org  is a website founded by Andy Morin member of Death Grips which is oriented as a platform to post images of their own that the users of the site feel goes well with the aesthetics of the site.  It's a website that I check regularly for visual references, sometimes just to look at images and appreciate them and sometimes to post content that I've created.What I like most about the site is the aesthetics of the images that are uploaded, as well as the indifferent feedback, there are no likes or other reactions, only brief comments. This allows one to post freely and not be aware of the reception. Another thing I like is that every three months the site makes a magazine in which they receive contributions from all members of the site applying a selection depending on the theme set for the magazine.I recommend a2b2.org for all people looking to showcase their content or just hang out appreciating digital art.  

Blog Post 6: How Can Your Major Make the World a Better Place

  My specific career is very broad in the sense of what I do in the world. Although filmmaking is linked to the area of entertainment, it can easily fulfill a social task. The documentary is a good platform to denounce or inform about a specific topic in a didactic way. In my case I see in the documentary a tool which allows to take the knowledge or theory beyond the academic area and make this information more free and massive.  For that, it is necessary to understand the change of platform that is taking place from cinema to digital and to get used to this new panorama. Personally, I believe that cinema will lose its importance due to the fact that technology is becoming more and more accessible to each person, together with the convenience of streaming platforms and the acceleration that these platforms have had in the last year due to the pandemic that we are living and the impossibility of going to an enclosed space. 

Blog Post 5: A Meal or Food You Really Like

  This is a problem for me because last year I had cancer and the chemotherapy still has its side effects, the main one being lack of appetite or disgust.In this context I prefer light meals with salads but I try not to saturate myself with one type of food. Perhaps something that does not manage to make me dislike the taste of the coffee is something that I consume daily in different formats. Its preparation is not very complicated, it is only hot water that is not boiling or milk  and coffee to taste, maybe sugar. I think what I like the most is its smell, also its bitter taste that helps to neutralize the flavors, and of course the effect of caffeine that helps to start the day or spend the night. I don't think it's a very healthy food per se, but it does somehow help me to have less disgust or lack of appetite.